15 May 2020

e- poster presentation Novel Corona Virus – COVID -19 by Department of Microbiology


Event Title: Novel Corona Virus – COVID -19
Event category  e-Poster presentation
About Event 



There will be an e- poster presentation based on general information about COVID -19. All participants will get 10 min to explain their e-posters. After that it will be evaluated by the jury & Best three posters will get e- certificates.
AIM of the Events (Min 5 Points):


Aim of the event is to give knowledge about


1.       Structure and morphology of virus

2.       Life cycle of COVID -19

3.       Epidemiology of virus

4.       Diagnosis of virus

5.       Transmission of COVID -19

6.       Prevention and cure

Content of the Event ( In Case of Workshop, Seminar, Guest Lecture) Participants will present their poster through MS team. In the presentation, through their e- posters Students will explain us that how CORONA virus affects people in terrible way and what all preventive measures are to be taken to get rid of it. After presentation Jury will evaluate all e- posters.
Department Name ( Full Name) Department of Microbiology
Course Name (Participants): BSc. Micro/CBZ (I Yr, IV Sem, III Yr)
Date Time & Venue of Events: 15/05/2020, 4:30 pm


Microsoft team (https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTk2Nzc0NGItZDA4OS00MGYwLWJjZWMtZDgyMzVlMjU0OGVm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229af65193-2121-4172-af89-d8679da8c9b4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%221d644c77-b5dc-40e3-a761-ec4bd8af996d%22%7d)

Event Coordinator &Organizing Team Members Dr. Prerana Badoni & Dr. Bhavya Trivedi, Ms Padma Chorol
Contact Person Dr. Bhavya Trivedi (Web Coordinator)


Registration for : e- poster presentation Novel Corona Virus – COVID -19 by Department of Microbiology

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