22 May 2020

Expert talk on “Artificial Intelligence in Health care” by Department of ECE & EEE


Event Title: Expert talk on Artificial Intelligence in Health care
Event category  Expert talk
About Event


Conducting expert talk on:

Artificial intelligence (AIin healthcare is the use of complex algorithms and software to emulate human cognition in the analysis, interpretation, and comprehension of complicated medical and healthcare data.

AIM of the Events


Students will learn the introduction of Artificial Intelligence in medical field.

Students will be able to know about the use of computers and technology to simulate intelligent behavior and critical thinking comparable to a human being.

Students will be able to analyze relationships between prevention or treatment techniques and patient outcomes

Students will be able to learn the machine learning algorithms and deep learning.

Content of the Event  Expert talk on Artificial Intelligence in Health care
Highlights of Events


Application and development of machine learning algorithms to  create logic patterns.
Speakers of the Events:


NAME Dr. Arun Balodi
Organization Atria College, Banglore
Department Name ( Full Name) Electronics & Communication Engineering
Course Name (Participants): B.Tech ECE & EEE 2nd yr, 3rd yr and 4th yr students
Date Time & Venue of Events: 22 May 2020, 11:00am to 01:00pm
Event Coordinator &Organizing Team Members Mr. Tez Raj
Contact Person Mr.Mukesh Pathela (HOD. ECE/EEE)


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