03 Jun 2020

Online Guest Lecture on Solid Waste Management


Event Title: Solid Waste Management
Event category Online Guest Lecture
About Event


The term ‘solid waste’ refer to unwanted or useless solid materials generated by human activities from various sources like residential and commercial areas, industries, hospitals, construction and demolition activities, municipal services, agricultural activities and treatment plants.

Solid waste management is a term that is used to refer to the process of collecting, treating and disposing of solid wastes. Improper disposal of solid wastes can create unsanitary conditions which in turn lead to pollution of environment and outbreak of vector borne diseases.

Management of solid wastes is a major challenge these days for the administrators, engineers and planners. Physical, chemical, biological and geotechnical properties of solid wastes are important for the design of a solid waste management system. The cardinal principle in a solid waste management system is 3R’s i.e., Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Important components of a solid wastes management system include: Waste minimization at source, materials recovery and recycling, wastes transformation, volume reduction before disposal, wastes disposal and database management.


AIM of the Events (Min 5 Points):


It will tell students about the sources and properties of solid wastes and their management system. It will help students to know about the environmental impacts of solid wastes. It will also help to introduce and aware students to real concerns of environment and its sustainability. It will help to establish an understanding of the perception among students about solid waste management for sound environmental development.
Content of the Event To learn about various sources of solid wastes, their chemical, physical and biological properties and the ways in which management of solid wastes can be done.
Highlights of Events



The study of solid wastes management helps us to know about the properties of solid wastes and the steps involved in a solid waste management system. It gives us insights into the complexity of environmental hazards caused by solid wastes and the effective waste management techniques. It also helps to know about the importance of management of solid wastes.


Speakers of the Events:


NAME Dr. Savita G. Aggarwal
E-Mail ID goelsavishivi@gmail.com
Designation&Experience Associate Professor (Chemistry) & Sixteen years of teaching experience.
Organization GRDIMT College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Department Name  Microbiology/CBZ
Course Name   BSc Microbiology/CBZ/PCM
Date Time & Venue of Events: 3rd June’ 2020, 4:30 PM, Microsoft teams(https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODZlNzBkYTEtYmNkZS00YjdhLTk4OWItYWU4YWY1YzVmOGMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229af65193-2121-4172-af89-d8679da8c9b4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%221d644c77-b5dc-40e3-a761-ec4bd8af996d%22%7d).
Event Coordinator &Organizing Team Members Dr.Prerana Badoni, Dr. Bhavya Trivedi and Ms. Padma Chorol
Contact Person Dr. Bhavya Trivedi ( Web Coordinator)


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